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Reef Factory monthly update

Partners edition - 05.2024

Dear partners, 

My name is Artem and I’m in marketing with Reef Factory. I would like to give you some news that should make your work easier and your customers happier.

In the past several months we’ve switched our focus from releasing new devices, to improving customers experience: better support, software and hardware enhancements, QA process, new features. 

Today we are noticing a significant interest in our products and increase in customer satisfaction level, based on support cases and market feedback. This is how we know, that the direction was selected right.

In order to provide the best experience to our customers, it is important to be aligned on all the levels of our supply chain – from Reef Factory HQ, to distributors and local Shops. This is why I will be sending you monthly updates. Both via email and in the Smart Reef app.

Grand Update – Infrastructure

Based on your feedback and comments I can say that you’ve probably noticed this one even without official announcement. The biggest and the most important update that we’ve implemented recently was Infrastructure update. This is something that required hard work of the development and R&D and in the end – we’ve improved all the parts of our Ecosystem:

  • Devices and connectivity became more stable and reliable
  • Performance of the app is now even better that you’ve ever seen
  • No reconnections after updates
  • And now we can implement new features, updates and fixes without devices downtime

This change creates a significant boost in customer experience and addresses or will help address a big part of customers requests.

On May 27th the last stage of the infrastructure update will be done and that will make our resources ready for x8 more customers. Given our current growth rate it will be enough for the next 2 years.

New Exclusive Distributor in UK – Aquatic Now

An important strategic step in UK market, that will strengthen the Reef Factory presence on the market and will become a pillar for shops to create a better customer experience.

Product updates

*Please, make sure your employees are aware of the updates and can provide this information to customers.

Lighting fixes:

  • Rare issue when the lights goes off and you have to use the intensity to put it on
  • Rare issue when the light resets after frequent wi-fi issues, that result in wi-fi connection and disconnection a lot of times in short periods of time

Smartwave fixes:

E1 was fixed with recent update – an issue where user encountered engine error and had to restart it

New Products Updates

  • Power switcher X4 is ready for market
  • Hyper Manganese is ready for the market
  • New probes: PH, Salinity, KH are ready for the market 
  • Mounting kit for Reef flare Bar 2 and white Reef flare Bar 2 – coming late summer
*marketing materials and communication coming later this month.

Lab updates

As some of you know, we have added another ICP machine and doubled our capacity, as ICP demand is growing. Also, our own Magda Metzler and Bartosz Kuras succeeded in developing a method that will increase the ability to test the number of samples at the same time, this will result in more accurate measurements then average test on market, bringing us closer to market leadership.

These are only latest updates, and more to come!

P.S. if you need any help with digital marketing, please, feel free to email me or watsapp at +48571503618